Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Formalized Essay Due Friday, September 27

Students may choose any of the essays they have written thus far to formalize for this summative assessment. They have had yesterday and today to revise, and they will have Thursday and Friday to type and print.

The requirements for this assignment are more stringent than those of informal essays. While the "ideas" requirement is the same, the grammar and mechanics will be taken more into account, along with organization. Papers must be typed, double-spaced and twelve point font.

Additionally, this essay has a word count minimum [of 300 words]. If students do not have time to finish at school, they must finish this at home, as it is an important grade [worth 50 points in the gradebook].

Please let me know if you have any questions. My email is angela_r_brown@gwinnett.k12.ga.us.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Guess What Day IT IS???


Woot, woot!!

Be sure to bring a book to class every Wednesday as this is ongoing. (The only exception is if you have pressing make-up work that needs to be finished prior to reading, but you are still responsible for having a chapter book with you every Wednesday.)

Book Report

If you choose to do your book summary and report over this reading rather than summer reading, that is fine, but you must complete it on your own and get it in to me before Thanksgiving break. If you misplaced your form, click HERE to print one. (This is worth 20 pts.)

Friday, September 13, 2013

House on Mango Street Essay

Reread chapter one of House on Mango Street, then answer the following essay prompt:

The House on Mango Street is autobiographical, although it is not a complete autobiography. Esperanza Cordero's experiences are based on the people and places that Sandra Cisneros knew as a child. She includes character descriptions of the important people in her life, vivid descriptions of the places she lived, and she offers insight into her own reactions, thoughts, and feelings.

Your assignment is to write an autobiographical essay similar to chapter one of the novel that details your own "home" history, the accompanying feelings, and whether or not where you currently live feels like "home."

Remember to proofread your work. 20 pts.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Immigration Today Essay - Should We Go Into Syria?

We had two class days to work on this - Thursday and Friday. If you are not finished, you must complete it on your own. If you have lost the prompt, you can get it here.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Our first vocabulary quiz is over vocabulary excerpts from the "Why Fear Spanish?" article we read this week. If you lost your study guide (issued Tues. 9/3), look up the definitions of the underlined words in the excerpts below.

The quiz will be 9/13.

“Suddenly, we were accosted by a
spry little old lady.”
“The lady in question was not an eccentric mad woman.”
The Miami Herald occasionally includes and unsolicited supplement.”
“Hostility does not come from reflection on linguistic homogeneity,
but from an atavistic reaction.”
'I fear foreigners are inevitably
considered barbarians.”
“We quarrel, are jealous, love and hate with certain words.”
“...can have a certain enriching enchantment, because diversity is also an expression of cultural riches.”
“American society spends $$$ every year in attempting unavailingly to get high school and college students to learn Spanish…”
“If this is the rationale, then why ask the bilingual citizens present in the nation to abandon their
use of that other language so covetously sought in educational establishments?”
“The United States is and will continue to be a fundamentally English-speaking nation.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Official Language Essay

Did you know English is technically not the official language of the United States of America? Many people think it should be, and some go so far as to say English speaking should be a requirement for legal immigration. Others like our country the way it is.

Find and read three articles online about the pros and cons of making English the official language of the United States. Decide which side YOU agree with, then write a persuasive essay explaining why your view is the right view. :)

Use the attached organizer to get started. It is the "draft" page that will be graded. Official Language Prewrite