Friday, March 14, 2014

Northern Star Mini Essay

I am Constant as the Northern Star
I could be well moved, if I were as you;
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me;I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
The skies are painted with unnumber'd sparks;
They are all fire and every one doth shine;
But there's but one in all doth hold his place.
So in the world, 'tis furnish'd well with men,
And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive;
Yet in the number I do know but one
That unassailable holds on his rank,
Unshaked of motion; and that I am he,
Let me a little show it, even in this;
That I was constant Cimber should be banish'd,
And constant do remain to keep him so. (3.1.7)
Prompt: Intransigence is the refusal to compromise or give up any ground an on issue. Caesar prides himself in having this quality, claiming that he is an unmovable object, that he will never change his mind about a decision he has made.  Do you consider this inability to compromise to be a strength or a weakness? Explain how this trait would be beneficial or harmful during your interactions with others (co-workers, classmates, teachers/administrators, etc)?

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